It may seem pedantic, but is there a difference between a barber and a hairdresser? And which one is right for you? This article will explore the differences between the two so that you can make an informed decision when looking to get a haircut. While each hair professional is different, looking for someone who is well-versed in working with your hair type and texture is important.

Barber or Hairdresser Training

Barber training involves different skills than what hairdressers learn. Namely, barbers are taught to utilize clippers more, whereas hairdressers will use scissors. Clippers create tighter, closer cuts, while scissors create a more natural edge. However, both professionals learn to use both tools, but prioritize one over the other. Barber training focuses mostly on close cuts, shaves, fades, and blends. These styles are often more closely associated with men’s hairstyles. Many hairdressers focus on blending colors and using other techniques, such as heat treatments and updos.

Barber Shaves

While most hair professionals can provide a facial shave, barbers usually learn to go the extra mile here. Many barbershops have hot lather treatments or strait-razor shaving services, where a hairstylist may trim and shape a beard with scissors and a clipper.

Hair Coloring

Licensed barbers can still provide coloring services, much like hairdressers. However, the curriculum for hairdressers focuses more on color techniques and blending colors. Because of this, hairdressers are more likely to handle more intricate coloring styles, like balayage and ombre techniques.

Hair Length

Barber’s tools and techniques are generally more attuned to men’s hairstyles, but most barbers can provide services for women. On the other hand, hairdressers are generally more equipped to work with longer hairstyles, but can also handle short styles.

Barber and Hairdresser?

Ultimately, the choice is yours whether you go to a barber or hairdresser. Understanding what you expect from your salon or barbershop experience can be helpful in making your decision. Regardless of your choice, make sure that the hair professional you go to has experience with your hair type.

Ooh La La specializes in a variety of hairstyle techniques to help you find the right look for you. Book a time with one of our professional hairstylists today. Contact us or call 718-727-2694 today.